15 Nov Female
I was listening to Keith Urban’s song “Female”, and it resonates in such a unique way to me. To have a man singing those words…
Sister, shoulder
Daughter, lover
Healer, broken halo
Mother nature
Fire, suit of armor
Soul survivor, Holy Water
Secret keeper, fortune teller
Virgin Mary, scarlet letter
Technicolor river wild
Baby girl, women shine
And it dawned on me as I sang along to the angels humming in the background, just how many of those different labels I’ve associated with throughout my life. When Mother’s Day rolled around and I was pregnant with my son, someone jokingly said, ‘well, I’m not going to wish you Happy Mother’s Day yet since you aren’t a mother yet’. And I remember the impact those words had on me. I’ve seen some of my girlfriends struggle to get pregnant, get pregnant and shamefully end the pregnancy and place the skeleton in the closet, never to shine light upon it ever again.
The #MeToo campaign shone a light on the fact that every single female walking the earth was subject to harassment in some form or another at one point in her life, however ‘big’ or ‘small’ the event. I remember being barely thirteen and a boy walked up to me during the St-Jean Baptiste Fireworks ceremony and grabbed my chest to then walk away laughing with his buddies. It was the first time I’d realized that my bosom had grown enough to be noticed by someone other than my mom or dad. I was mortified and never told anyone.
All of these labels that we give ourselves, strong, determined, goddess, princess, fearless, shy, stuck up… they’re just that. Labels. They’re based on a person’s own life experiences and the different filters that cover their eyes and alter and impact how they see the world, how they interpret events, how they react to life, to others, to themselves. Realizing this was most probably one of the most empowering things to happen to me, and yet it feels so gentle, so calm. Knowing that we always have a choice. We can choose to call ourselves fighters, warriors, victims, princesses or any other label that we associate with.
Or... we can choose to connect with the very Essence of who we are. And we can constantly make that choice, over and over again, by listening to the soft, gentle, powerful voice of our heart. The voice that loves us so profoundly, so effortlessly and without any judgments whatsoever. The voice of our heart will sometimes lead us to make choices our mind absolutely doesn’t agree with. Quit my job? Leave my partner? Pursue my lifelong dream of …? Eat that piece of chocolate cake? See beauty in my physical body?
Or, we can continue listening to the dictator that lives in our head, the one that judges, directs and constantly bashes us for the different choices we make, for what we think, for what we say. Now don’t get me wrong, the dictator is actually pretty smart… but it’s actually so much more powerful when it works in sync with the guidance that the heart so lovingly offers, free of any ulterior motive of recognition, fame, power, … love. You see the very essence of who we are, the fabric from which we’re made of, is love! When we’re operating from a place of love, when we’re listening to the voice of the heart, we’re infinitely more powerful than when we’re trying to control, direct and obtain a specific outcome, result…
But you don’t need to take my word for it, you see those who showed me how, well, they’ve followed the inspiration of their hearts and put together a program that’ll unite 1000 women worldwide. This group will offer an assistance platform like nothing I’ve ever seen or heard of before. This platform will allow women to show up, share and benefit from each others’ experiences. Together, we’ll connect profoundly to the innate, infinite wisdom of the heart, we’ll dissolve barriers and beliefs that have kept us prisoner to a name that’s been dragged through the mud more than any other… female.
So, if this invitation that comes straight from my heart vibrates even just a little for you, then I invite you to take explore this invitation with your heart and the curiosity of a child and see if it also vibrates for you! If it does, I’ll be thrilled to meet up with you in the private Facebook group! And if not, from my heart to yours, know that you are so incredibly beautiful!
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